понедельник, 6 декабря 2010 г.

Cancer of the vagina and vulva

     Cancer of the vagina and vulva in women aged 60 to 70 years and older.Development of cancer of this localization is often preceded by precancerous - leukoplakia and kraurosis. When leukoplakia of the mucous membrane of the labia, the clitoris in circles visible white spots, which are then converted into plaques, which merge with each other, with a tendency to ulceration. When kraurosis observed atrophy and shrinkage of mucous membranes and skin. Among the clinical symptoms in leukoplakia and kraurosis most often marked itching and burning in the vulva.,

Cancer of the vulva shows a dense knot or ulcerated, easily bleeding. The tumor is located in the large or the labia minora, clitoris, later in the process involves the vagina, urethra and perineum. Metastases in the regional inguinal, femoral and iliac lymph nodes occur rapidly, there may be metastases to the lungs and other organs.Among the clinical symptoms of cancer - itching, burning, serous discharge mixed with blood, pain.

 Diagnosis be confirmed by cytological and histological study. Often found squamous cell carcinoma of varying degrees of differentiation. 

Treatment - a radical vulvectomy with removal of inguinal lymph nodes. 75% of patients after this surgery live over 5 years. Radiotherapy was used as a standalone method, or in the preoperative period. Chemotherapy was used in combination with radiation therapy alone or in advanced disease (bleomitsetin, methotrexate, cisplatin, etc.). 

Cancer of the vagina shows ulceration, bumpy papillary growths or submucosal infiltration. Tumor bleeds easily. Metastasizes to the iliac, inguinal lymph nodes. With the progressive growth of sprouts in the bladder, urethra, rectum.Clinical symptoms: bleCancer of the vagina and vulvaeding, pain.
Diagnosed with a biopsy (squamous cell carcinoma). The differential diagnosis is carried out with cervical cancer with the transition to the vagina, uterus cancer metastases.The main method of treatment of vaginal cancer - radiation therapy (a combination of external and intracavitary irradiation).


This examination uses a lighted tube to check the inside surface of the bladder. Some advanced cases of vulvar cancer can spread to the bladder, so any suspicious areas noted by this exam are removed for biopsy. This procedure can be done using a local anesthetic, but some patients may need general anesthesia. Your doctor will let you know what to expect before and after the procedure. This procedure was used more often in the past, but is no longer a standard part of the work-up of a woman with vulvar cancer.

This is a visual inspection of the rectum using a lighted tube. Some advanced cases of vulvar cancer can spread to the rectum. Any suspicious areas are biopsied. Proctoscopy was used more often in the past, but is no longer a standard part of the work-up of a woman with vulvar cancer.
Examination of the pelvis under anesthesia

Putting the patient under anesthesia permits a physician to do a more thorough exam that can better evaluate how much the cancer has spread to internal organs of the pelvis.

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