суббота, 19 марта 2011 г.

Prostate Cancer: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy - the use of a single anti-cancer drug or a combination thereof. It is prescribed in case of recurrence or prostate cancer later stage, which does not respond to hormone treatment, but it is not used in the treatment of early stages of the disease.
Prescribed chemotherapy treatment cycle, followed by a recovery period. All treatment usually lasts 3 - 6 months, depending on the type of chemotherapeutic drugs.

What are the ways of delivery of chemotherapy into the body?
Typically, chemotherapy drugs intravenously (directly into a vein) or, rarely, mouth.When drugs enter the bloodstream, they travel throughout the body to reach cancer cells that could spread beyond the prostate gland.

When chemotherapy is administered? 
Chemotherapy may designate for prostate cancer later stage, which does not respond to hormone treatment. Also, it may designate for metastatic disease.Metastatic disease may be present at diagnosis or, in some cases, the cancer may return in a remote area of ​​the body months or years after initial treatment.Chemotherapy is prescribed to cancer has decreased, and possibly disappear.

What are the side effects?
Chemotherapy kills not only cancer cells, it is also healthy cells of the body such as the membrane lining of the mouth, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, hair follicles and bone marrow. As a result, the side effects of chemotherapy depend on the number of damaged cells.
Specific side effects that you will depend on the type and amount of drugs you are taking and how long you accept them. The most common temporary side effects of chemotherapy include:
Nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetiteHair loss MouthulcersDiarrheaInfertility (possible permanent side effect of chemotherapy)
 Other adverse effects associated with exposure to chemotherapy on bone marrow, are at increased risk of infection (due to the low level of white blood cells), bleeding or bruising from the slightest injury (due to the low level of platelets in the blood) and fatigue caused by anemia (due to the low level of red blood cells).
Side effects of chemotherapy will disappear when the medication is stopped.

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