понедельник, 17 марта 2014 г.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

There are several forms of cancer of the breast, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms. For symptoms must be able to conduct breast self . Methods of self can be found here .

nodular form
     Local tumor growth as a node occurs most frequently. On palpation of the breast unit is defined as a dense , rounded, lumpy painless education with indistinct contours , often with limited mobility due to infiltration ( germination ) surrounding tissues. To determine the connection of the tumor with skin taken last in a small fold over education . If this method fails as well as at some distance from the location of the tumor , we can say that the skin is not associated with it . When starting infiltration ( germination ) skin tumor compression of a small section of it leads to the formation of deeper folds , sometimes with inverted skin pores. Wrinkling of the skin over the tumor may occur in the early stages of cancer. As the size of the tumor node occurs skin retraction . Leather as a "lemon peel" - late symptom of the disease .

     The involvement of underlying tissues in the process of determining the tumor grasping fingers and shifting it in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Thereafter detected mobility tumor allocated to a right angle arm, and also at reduced hand tight . If this tumor has been reduced mobility can be considered proven germination . Complete immobility tumor indicates largely tumor invasion into the chest wall .

     To determine the relationship of the tumor with the nipple it is fixed fingers of one hand and the fingers of the other hand ( flat ) tumor pressed against the chest wall . By moving the nipple tumor remains stationary , therefore, there is no communication with the nipple , if the tumor is displaced together with sliding nipple , there germination infiltration ducts. Deformation nipple retraction revealed by his apparent tumor spreads to the milk ducts .
     Increase or seal axillary lymph nodes even at small mobile tumor with clear margins should raise suspicion for breast cancer .

edematous form
Edematous infiltrative form of cancer often develops in young women during pregnancy and lactation. During acute . No more pain . Rapidly increasing size of the compressed area ( node ) of the breast. Swelling characteristic of the breast tissue and skin. In the regional lymph nodes (especially axillary ) appear early metastases. Edematous form characterizes diffuse ( spread throughout the breast ) thickening and hyperemia (redness ) of the skin .

Rozhistopodobny cancer
This form of breast cancer is accompanied by pronounced redness of the skin with jagged edges tongue-shaped , outwardly resembles a flame or a geographical map . Tumor site is not detected by palpation . Hyperemia may spread to the chest wall . Most often the disease is acute , with high (up to 40 ° C) body temperature . For a malignant tumor rapidly metastasizes to lymph nodes and distant organs .

Mastitopodobnaya form
Mastitopodobny cancer is more common in young women , pregnant and lactating . The disease manifests itself rise in body temperature , and increase the density of the site or the entire breast , swelling , redness of the skin . The disease progresses rapidly , early metastases appear .

Cancer Paget
Localized cancer of the nipple and areola considered the most favorable form of breast cancer . Clinically manifested as phenomena maceration and ulceration of the nipple. As the disease progresses nipple destroyed and in its place there is a peptic ulcer surface.

Husk cancer
Husk cancer - a dense infiltration of the skin over the breast. The mammary gland is reduced in size and limited mobility , the skin over it is sealed , the surface is uneven , resembling shell. Sometimes the process extends to the second breast .

Hidden ( occult ) cancer
The first clinical symptom - an increase of affected axillary lymph nodes metastases without defined tumor in the gland itself . Often, patients are treated for a long time lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes) " infectious " nature and they fall to the oncologist has the appearance of distant metastases .

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